Division of Natural Science, Dept. of Science and Technology Studies, Faculty of Science, York University
The Division of Natural Science, Department of Science and Technology Studies, invites applications for an Alternate Stream (teaching-focused) tenure-track position in Ecology at the rank of Assistant Lecturer, to commence July 1 2019. Please note there are two alternate stream ecology searches currently in the Faculty of Science, one in Natural Science, and the other in Biology.
The Division of Natural Science (NATS) specializes in developing and delivering high quality undergraduate general education science courses to non-science university students. The Division is a unit within the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS), whose faculty represent a wide range of fields within the natural and social sciences. The successful candidate must demonstrate dedication to a teaching-focused position and will be expected to teach general education science courses to non-science university students. The successful candidate will be expected to provide leadership in enhancing teaching and learning through curricular and pedagogical innovation (e.g. experiential education).
A Ph.D. in Ecology is required, as is a demonstrated ability to teach science to non-science majors at the university level. The successful candidate will also demonstrate the ability to teach urban ecology in this context.
The successful candidate should demonstrate excellence or clear potential of excellence in teaching university-level courses and have a strong commitment to pedagogy (including evidence-based strategies) and student success. This includes aligning and integrating lecture and/or laboratory curricula to desired learning outcomes. Experience with curriculum development, course design and re-design, and the application of universal design approaches to teaching and assessment are preferred. Experience with different delivery formats (e.g. lecture, blended, online) is preferred. The successful candidate must have experience teaching large classes, and will be expected to effectively utilize undergraduate laboratories, and other forms of experiential education, as required.
The successful candidate will demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills, and must clearly demonstrate their potential to contribute to service in administrative and committee work.
For further information regarding the Division of Natural Science please see http://natsci.info.yorku.ca/ . Information regarding the Department of STS can be found at http://sts.info.yorku.ca/. Inquiries regarding the position should be addressed to Dr. Robin Metcalfe, Chair, Natural Science Search Committee at natsecol@yorku.ca
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
York University is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, within its community. The AA program, which applies to Aboriginal people, visible minorities, people with disabilities, and women, can be found at http://acadjobs.info.yorku.ca/ or by calling the AA office at 416-736-5713. Applicants wishing to self-identify can do so by downloading, completing and submitting the forms found at: http://acadjobs.info.yorku.ca/ . Please select the 'Affirmative Action' tab under which forms pertaining to Citizenship and AA can be found. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples in Canada will be given priority.
The deadline for receipt of completed applications is November 1, 2018. Applicants should submit a signed application cover letter outlining professional experience, an up‐to‐date curriculum vitae and a concise teaching dossier that demonstrates the applicant's potential for excellence and innovation in teaching. The dossier may include elements such as course outlines, teaching strategies, course evaluations, teaching reviews, and selected course materials, but it must be prefaced by a clear statement that briefly outlines the applicant's teaching philosophy and justifies the materials included in the dossier. Applications must also include a course proposal for an ecology-related course for non-science students. All applications must be submitted electronically to natsecol@yorku.ca
Applicants must arrange for three referees to send signed, confidential letters of recommendation directly to: Chair, Natural Science Search Committee, Division of Natural Science, 218 Bethune College, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3 (letters emailed by referees directly to natsecol@yorku.ca are also acceptable). Referees should be advised to address the candidate's qualifications and experience in relation to the position.