Film Production, Department of Cinema and Media Arts, School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, York University
The Department of Cinema and Media Arts at York University invites highly qualified candidates to apply for a professorial tenure-track appointment in Film Production at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, to commence July 1, 2022. Areas of creative research and studio practice should include fiction-based cinematography. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
An MFA in Film Production or equivalent graduate degree is required (or MFA equivalent such as BFA with a substantial record of professional experience). We acknowledge that within higher education in Canada, traditional or conventional academic pathways in research can reinforce biases in the filling of faculty posts. We encourage applications that may not fit all of the following qualifications and that challenge our ideas of teaching, scholarship and research of which we may be unconscious. We are particularly interested in colleagues who bring experience in facilitating equity, diversity and inclusion practices within their teaching and which may include contexts outside of academia, including artistic praxis and community-based work. The successful candidate should possess practical and theoretical knowledge about the role of image composition, pre-visualization, lighting, camera movement and color in visual storytelling. The candidate should demonstrate fundamental hands-on practice with studio and location lighting, familiarity with technique and styles in shooting narrative film as well as knowledge of the digital workflow from image capture to master.
The successful candidate will be expected to engage in outstanding, innovative, and, as appropriate, externally funded research-creation at the highest level.
Candidates must provide evidence or promise of research-creation excellence of a recognized international calibre as demonstrated in: a submitted professional practice statement; a record of film and/or digital production which may include significant screenings with major broadcasters and festival presentations; awards and accolades; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing.
A record of professional experience collaborating with IBPOC (Indigenous, Black, People of Colour) artists and communities would be considered a significant asset.
The position involves graduate teaching and supervision, as well as undergraduate teaching and the successful candidate must be suitable for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
The successful candidate will be expected to fully participate in academic life through contributions to artistic research, teaching, and service. The successful candidate will teach core and elective courses in film and digital production, in addition to other courses relating to professional or creative practice. There is also the opportunity to develop courses according to program needs in areas where the candidate has experience and a demonstrated record of success.
Evidence of excellence or promise of excellence for junior appointment in teaching will be provided through: research/professional practice and teaching, the teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations including in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning; teaching evaluations; and strong letters of reference.
The Department of Cinema and Media Arts is Canada’s first and foremost film school with four specialized streams of study, premier production facilities, strong industry as well as independent film and media arts community connections, backed by a stellar faculty of internationally renowned filmmakers, screenwriters and scholars.
York is a leading international teaching and research university, and a driving force for positive change. Empowered by a welcoming and diverse community with a uniquely global perspective, we are preparing our students for their long-term careers and personal success. Together, we can make things right for our communities, our planet and our future. York University has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and to expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Candidates who require accommodation during the selection process are invited to contact the Chair of the Department of Cinema and Media Arts, in the School of the Arts, Media Performance and Design at
York University is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, within its community. The AA Program, which applies to women, members of visible minorities (racialized groups), Aboriginal (Indigenous) people and persons with disabilities, can be found at or by calling the AA line at 416-736-5713. Applicants wishing to self-identify as part of York University’s Affirmative Action program can do so by downloading, completing and submitting the form found at:
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples in Canada will be given priority. No application will be considered without a completed mandatory Work Status Declaration form which can be found at
The deadline for receipt of completed applications is December 20, 2021. A letter of application, indicating what rank is being applied for, with updated curriculum vitae, statements of research/professional practice and teaching, teaching evaluations (where available), and the names of three referees should be submitted on the KBRS website: If you have any questions, please contact Daniella Sam at